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Million investment in Tipshallen

Publicerad 15 augusti 2019

Municipality has invested millions in renovating Tipshallen. During the summer, the roof was replaced and the sports facility received new LED lighting. Växjö Municipality has spent 2.5 million Swedish crowns on the new lighting, which will give a better light but also halve the cost of energy, operation and maintenance.

– Now that we have the right lighting, there will be better conditions for both visitors and athletes. In addition, it is a sustainable solution with high energy savings and long life, says Bruno Birgersson, head of real estate technology at Vöfab.


The old lighting was from the 1990s and the estimated savings for energy, operation and maintenance is around 175,000 Swedish crowns per year.

– A smart and efficient lighting makes colors and movements easier to perceive by the eye. The improved light level is therefore of great importance to the athletes. It is also important for us to be able to maintain a high standard of sports competitions and matches, says Jessica Råhlin, recreation manager at the cultural and leisure administration.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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