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Rosengren: Examination for newcomers

Växjö • Publicerad 17 september 2019
Oliver Rosengren
Oliver Rosengren

Newcomer's introduction to society will be increased from 60 to 100 hours from the turn of the year. Municipal Councilor Oliver Rosengren (M) in Växjö wants to go further.

– What we also look at locally in Växjö is an examination of some kind. So that you can ensure that those who have gone to the social orientation have also taken it in, he says to Smålandsposten.


Oliver Rosengren gives examples with concepts like: "In Sweden, you obey the police, try to get a job, we pay our bills, that our daughter gets to dress as she wants. And when our son comes home with a boyfriend, we accept it, not throw him out"

– I believe that Sweden should be an including country and that no matter where you come from, you can become Swedish. But there are certain values, norms and expectations that apply to everyone, no matter where you come from, says Oliver Rosengren to Smålandsposten.

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