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The new mosque will not be built

Alvesta • Publicerad 9 september 2019
Foto: Euroing Ltd

A couple of years ago, the plans for a new cultural center with a new mosque on Svampvägen in Alvesta were presented. The plans received strong criticism and were appealed several times, but earlier this year the building was approved by Alvesta municipality.

Nevertheless, the organization behind the mosque construction has now chosen to put the plans on hold. This is because the intended financiers have withdrawn.


– Many of the volunteers who showed an interest in contributing say that they were affected by the process. They had to read about a social conflict because of the negative feelings created. They got the feeling we couldn't succeed and one person said they didn't want to spend money on something that was tearing society apart. It has affected the collection process, says Khaled Al Najar, who is one of those behind the plans, to Smålandsposten.

According to him, however, the organization has not scrapped the construction plans completely. Although the current site on Svampvägen will return to the municipality of Alvesta, the organization will look at whether they can build something on nearby areas. They have also founded a fundraiser for the project.

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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