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16 floors houses are planned in Växjö - hundreds of new homes could be built

Växjö • Publicerad 26 februari 2020
Foto: Nadia Hagberg

Växjöbostäder plans hundreds of new apartments at Domprostemossen on Söder in Växjö. One of the houses could be 16 floors high. The housing company has applied for a so called plan message to later get a new detailed plan for the area. In Växjöbostäder's neighborhood there are today more than 80 rental properties, but now they want to make the neighborhood better.

Växjö housing has several options. One of the proposals is four high-rise buildings with between 9 and 16 floors and three floors houses. That would mean 201 new apartments. In another proposal, it is proposed that two high-rise buildings, with 12 and 16 floors respectively, should be built in the northern part of the block.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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