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A gap between the needs of the labor market and job seekers

A chronicle by Maha Nasser.
Publicerad 26 februari 2019

When we read and hear every day about the sufferings of the province. The lack of competencies and the need for many cadres in various fields. As needed for teachers, doctors, workers in factories, chefs and others. At the same time we see that there is a percentage of unemployment.‫ ‬This means that there is a gap between job seekers and what the labor market needs. When we talk about the gap here is the labor market need for competencies.

I was surprised by the number of people looking for jobs who were rushing in front of the gate of the Job Fair Hall, which was held at the tipshallen‫ ‬in Växjö‫ ‬. There were also many companies that had vacancies. However, the problem remains. There are hundreds of unemployed, meaning that there is enough to meet that need and increase. But we always note that most of the unemployed are foreigners born abroad. If we ask this question why does this category have difficulty finding work, what are the challenges that they face?


‫We can say that newcomers have difficulty learning the language and therefore the difficulty of integration. This is considered a reason to stand in the way of entering the labor market and get a permanent job. But I think the most influential reason is the strict labor law, Which Sweden is pursuing in terms of rehabilitation to enable newcomers to enter the labor market. Sweden is one of the most demanding countries for qualification and job training. The labor law in Sweden does not take into account the academic qualification and experience of the foreigners who worked in his country of origin. If a Swedish immigrant wants to get a job, he or she must get a rehabilitation even if he has worked in the same field for several years. For example, there is a need for doctors urgently. At the same time, Many of those who hold medical certificates and who have experience in this field arrived. But they can not get a job. Because working in medicine requires a long time of rehabilitation and may take up to six or seven years.‬

‬The labor law requires certification and rehabilitation for professionals who rely on physical effort rather than intellectually. Such as factory workers, hotel and restaurant service, construction and maintenance services, security and others. Although it is possible to invest their abilities and fill the needs of the labor market for these professions. But if we talk about the profession of journalism is the profession that is threatened with extinction in Sweden, many journalists left the press work and went to do other work. Because of the difficulty of their stability in a permanent work. Most of the work done by journalists are temporary work. So the journalists left the profession of the journalism, and practiced other work. So that the field of media is among the fields that, suffer from lack of efficiency.

It should be noted that, the lack of sufficient workers for vital functions in the province entails several risks: First, it will affect the economic growth and investment in the province. As well as the lack of service will affect visitor attraction. Second, rising unemployment among expatriates will lead to some illegal ways of making money. Such as working illegally or so-called black work . This is what many of them are exposed to exploitation by employers, such as working long hours with Low wages and without any rights. While others may be satisfied with the social assistance they receive. Thirdly, rising unemployment may lead to extremism and crime.

Thus, reducing the gap between job seekers and the needs of the labor market requires joint efforts. Reconsidering the labor law and making some concessions so that there are equal and accessible opportunities for all. If there are no radical solutions in the rehabilitation and training of new cadres commensurate with the labor market. And encourage students to join some disciplines such as nursing and education by giving these fields some advantages. This will lead to an increase in unemployment in the coming years, And increase the labor market requirement for jobs in various fields. Especially with the increase in the proportion of retirees.

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