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A man suspected of cutting down the hunting tower

Publicerad 5 augusti 2019
Foto: Lennart Ernstsson

This summer has been full of extensive damage and attacks against hunting towers and hunting lodges in the Växjö area. According to the police, there may be at least 50-100 hunting towers that have been sawn and fell only in the areas around Växjö.

During the night until Thursday, police were able to arrest a man aged 30 suspected of a number of crimes, including for serious damage to the hunting tower.


The police in the Växjö have carried out investigative measures after the reports and the work has led to the suspected man being detained in his home in a small town in Växjö on Thursday. The man is also suspected of theft and illegal threats but refuses to admit crimes.

– This is the type of crime that create a great insecurity in the countryside and everyone who suffers from this. It is important to be able to clear up this type of crime and I am so pleased with the fact that our police action has produced results. We have extensive investigative work ahead of us, says local police area manager Jonas Eek in Växjö.

The police are calling on anyone affected by damage to the hunting towers, hunting berths or theft of hunting equipment to report this to the police via telephone 114 14.

Daniel RydströmSkicka e-post
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