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Alde strikes for the climate

Växjö • Publicerad 2 augusti 2019
Foto: David Färdigh

At 15 o'clock every Friday outside the town hall in Växjö, a climate manifestation is organized. This week, however, the climate threat is particularly highlighted by 16-year-old Alde Fermskog from Lenhovda.

She arranges her own summer holiday strike and is on the scene outside the municipal hall entrance Monday to Friday at 10 am to 3 pm.


- I will sit here outside Växjö’s town hall this week from Monday to Friday at 10 am to 3 pm. I live a bit outside Lenhovda, so first thing in the morning is a 20-minute bike ride to the bus stop and then it is a 45-minute bus ride to Växjö.

And then you sit here for five hours, how do you pass the time?

- Sometimes people come to me to talk about and discuss the climate issue. In between, I read a book or check my phone.

David FärdighSkicka e-post
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