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All teacher assistants within SFI in Alvesta are fired

Alvesta • Publicerad 25 februari 2020

The municipality of Alvesta is having a hard time financially and several boards have to save money. One of these is the Board for Work and Learning. They plan to save money by removing several employment at the SFI training run by the Allbo Learning Center.

– We are very concerned that this will lower the quality of the important work we will be doing, says a teacher to Smålandsposten.


Last year, there were twelve teachers and four teaching assistants at the program. This year there will be only nine teachers and zero teacher assistants.

– We have ended up in an economic situation where we have to do something. It is not at all optimal and I understand the teachers, says Sebastian Ohlsson (S), chairman of the Board for Work and Learning, to Smålandsposten.

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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