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Attempt to arson in Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 16 mars 2020
.Foto: Lars-Göran Rydqvist

During the night to Sunday, someone broke a window on Dalbo Kulturhus. That someone also tried to start a fire inside the building through the smashed glass.

– Some kind of combustible liquid has been thrown in and an attempt has been made to light it. But the rescue service was never in place, so we got lucky. In all likelihood, it has self-extinguished, says Andreas Arvidsson, on-call investigative leader with the police in Växjö, to the Smålandsposten.

A report of arson has been established and the police have secured traces on the scene. According to Smålandsposten, a table and some chairs have been damaged in the fire.

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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