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Bad air in Växjö and Alvesta

Växjö/Alvesta • Publicerad 25 september 2019

Ramboll has presented a new report showing that the concentrations of airborne particles (PM10) are increasing in Sweden. The levels of airborne particles in relation to the environmental quality target "Fresh air" is too high in 30 locations, including Växjö, Alvesta and Ljungby.

– The problem with bad air is that it is not visible to the naked eye. But the results from the measurements are clear. The air in our cities is not good enough and it affects us all. Together, we must do everything we can to create better air quality and there is much to be done to improve the air in the country's cities, says Daniel Nilsson, air quality and environmental expert at Ramboll.

Having too high levels of airborne particles in relation to the environmental quality target "Fresh air" means that the content of particles (PM10) exceeds 15 micrograms per cubic meter of air (annual average) or 30 micrograms per cubic meter more than 35 times (daily average). Växjö has too high levels for both parameters.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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