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Bands are sought to the Karl-Oskardagarna in Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 13 februari 2020

On August 14-16, Karl-Oskardagarna (the Karl-Oskar Days) will be held in Växjö in 2020. VXOnews Festival will be staged for the fourth year in a row and now you and your band have the opportunity to perform on the stage on Stortorget on August 15. We are looking for an artist or a band that wants to join us during the VXOnews Festival.

– Being able to stand on the big stage of the city party is a dream for many musicians and it feels fantastic that we at VXOnews now offer this opportunity, says Daniel Rydström, editor-in-chief and responsible publisher at

To have the chance to be selected, you must submit a short presentation about the band, what kind of music you play and why you should get the chance to perform during the VXOnews Festival. Send the information and a picture to

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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