
Dental care clinic in Växjö starts with drop-in

Växjö • Publicerad 6 februari 2020
Foto: Lena Gunnarsson

Kronoberg Region starts with a drop-in at Folktandvården Västerbron in Växjö. Every Friday between 07:30 and 10:00 it is possible to visit the dentist without booking an appointment. They can receive up to eight patients every Friday.

– Drop in is for easier dental care. You may want to do an examination or have a scheduled time for repair in the future, but do not want to wait until then, says Suanna Kahrimanovic, head of clinic at Folktandvården Västerbron.

Drop in is aimed for the patients of the Folktandvården Västerbron's or anyone who wants to become a patient at the clinic. It will be the first of the public dental clinics to test drop in, but if the interest is great it may be introduced at more clinics in the county.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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