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Despite the success - Växjö's investment can disappear

Växjö • Publicerad 7 juni 2019

At the end of April, a bicycle library started in Växjö. In the library, you can borrow a bike for free and use it for three weeks before you return it. The first loan period quickly became fully booked and it has been called by the municipality as a "super success".

But despite the success and interest, the future of the project is threatened because the investment is run with EU money. In the autumn of 2020, the money is out and after that it is uncertain what happens to the project.

– We will evaluate the project at the end of the year and at the end of the project next year. Then we will see if we have good results and if there is interest, maybe we are looking for internal money and Växjö municipality covers the cost itself. But it is uncertain yet, we will see how it will be, says Colin Hale, project manager for the bicycle library in Växjö municipality, to SVT Småland.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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