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Employment Service closes

Kronoberg • Publicerad 29 mars 2019
Foto: Studio CA/Arbetsförmedlingen

Five offices in Kronoberg County and are going to close when Arbetsförmedlingen settles 132 offices around Sweden. In the county, only Växjö, Älmhult and Ljungby will keep the offices.

- Reducing the office network is necessary. We are in the middle of a restructuring process with a notice of 4,500 employees due to the budget conditions we have for the year. We cannot carry out such a large staff reduction without making changes in the number of offices. With a reduced workforce, the office network must be adapted so that the offices that will be left to have the conditions to offer an efficient service, booked physical personal meetings for those who need extra support and a good work environment, ”says Mikael Sjöberg, the Public Employment Service's Director General.

The offices are closing in Alvesta, Lessebo, Tingsryd, Markaryd and Uppvidinge.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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