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Explosion in Växjö - police are looking for tips

Växjö • Publicerad 4 november 2019

Last Friday, an explosion occurred on Bokelundsvägen in Växjö. A bomb was placed outside an apartment and exploded at 4.20 am on Friday. No person was injured. The police are now also looking for tips from the public.

– We are looking for tips from anyone who has seen seen someone walking, cycling, running, riding a moped or a car in the area. And it doesn't have to be just on Bokelundsvägen, it can be an observation further away. Växjö is not very big. A car or someone who is out and about at this time of day is very interesting to us, says Robert Loeffel at the police station Smålandsposten.


The police have started an investigation into the criminal classification of the destruction.

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