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Fireworks will be banned in Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 13 juni 2019

In 2016, the City Council wanted to ban fireworks throughout Växjö. At that time, the decision was annulled by the county administrative board, which stated that the ban caused “an unjustified restriction of the individual's freedom".

On Tuesday, they tried again to introduce a ban on fireworks. This time by limiting the proposal to apply only to certain places. For example, central Växjö and Gemla. The proposal came from the opposition council Malin Lauber (S) and the Social Democrats last December.


- This is a good proposal and a good attempt to try to limit the fireworks that are an unclean thing when it comes to animals and people, said municipal councilor Anna Tenje (M) in the council's speaker chair according to Smålandsposten.

Exactly what locations the ban will apply to is not yet determined.

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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