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Football for everyone in Alvesta

Alvesta • Publicerad 28 juni 2019
Foto: Filip Sjöfors

With the help of a contribution from the Church Council in Alvesta, Alvesta Gif has started the project "Football for everyone". They are going to hold the "Night Football" which is planned this fall.

– There will be something fun that young people can do on Friday nights. The idea is that it should be a free and open activity for the local residents. A place to meet and have some fun, says Glenn Gunnarson, who is the association's chairman, to Smålandsposten.

The association has also received Alvesta municipality's large integration support of 20,000 Swedish crowns for the activity "Night football". One person has been hired to run the project "Football for everyone".

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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