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Great interest in new construction

Hovmantorp • Publicerad 26 november 2019
Foto: GBJ Bygg

Växjö company GBJ Bygg will build new housing at the Bryggan area in Hovmantorp. Construction is expected to start in 2020 after the sale of the planned housing starts during the autumn.

– There has been good interest, and we have already booked a number of homes. We need to sell a lot before we can start construction. But we expect to plan for construction sometime in the spring if it goes as well as now. And then there will be construction starting somewhere there, but whether it will be spring or autumn is a little difficult to decide right now, says Åsa Carlsson, project coordinator at GBJ Bygg, to Smålandsposten.

It is planned to build both single-floor and two-floor housing.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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