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He becomes the new CEO in Alvesta

Alvesta • Publicerad 18 maj 2020
Foto: Nadia Hagberg

Thomas Ottosson will soon leave the post of CEO of the municipal housing company Allbohus in Alvesta. Until the company finds a new CEO, Stefan Blomkvist will take over temporarily.

– Per Ribacke and I were in touch with each other when it emerged that Thomas Ottosson would quit and then it sounded interesting directly, says Stefan Blomkvist to Smålandsposten.

Stefan Blomkvist has, among other things, been CEO of Vidingehem and Vöfab in Växjö. Right now he works at the construction company Serneke.

– If everything works well, I'm obviously interested in searching the position. I would like to stay in the immediate area and I am interested in the municipal, he says to Smålandsposten.

Stefan Blomkvist will be acting CEO until December.

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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