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Helicopters are called in - at the highest level

Växjö • Publicerad 25 april 2019
Foto: Andreas Blomlöf

Several forest fires has broken out in southern Sweden. Among other places, several forest fires have broken out in the areas around Markaryd in Kronoberg County.

The Swedish Civil Protection and Emergency Planning Authority (MSB) decided on Tuesday to put four helicopters in the highest emergency position in Gothenburg and Växjö. The helicopters is going to be in the air within 90 minutes if they need help in any forest fire.


- We have recently worked a lot to strengthen forest fire resources, says Marcus Årskog, press secretary at MSB, to TT according to Svenska Dagbladet. He also says that there are unusually high fire risk values for the season.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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