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Here will the new Räppevallen be located

Växjö • Publicerad 11 februari 2020
Foto: Växjö kommun

Räppe must move from Räppevallen to make room for the new hospital. The association and the municipality have now worked out an alternative to a new location. The new Räppevallen will be located next to the Norra Bergundasjön. A proposal that has been approved by the Association's Board of Directors.

– The location of the Räppevallen next to the Norra Bergundasjön will provide a great value for Bredvik. And when the new pedestrian and bicycle route is completed, we link up and shorten the road to Samarkand and the city center and the new district of Bäckaslöv, says Anna Tenje (M), the municipal council's chair.


– It has been important for us to find a good location for Räppevallen and Räppe GoIF where they can continue to develop their business. This also opens up increased training opportunities for more clubs in the immediate area, says Jon Malmqvist (KD), chairman of the Culture and Leisure Committee.

The new facility will be about the size of the association today with two eleven-man plans and one seven-man plan as well as a clubhouse with six changing rooms.

– We have had a good dialogue in a positive spirit with the municipality of Växjö and we are now close to a new location of Räppevallen, which feels like a new and exciting chapter in Räppe GoIF's history, says Nicholas Petterson, chairman of Räppe GoIF.

– With this solution, we ensure that not least the children and young people in the area are given the opportunity to continue active leisure, says Peter Bengtsson, manager Arenaservice at Culture and leisure management in the municipality of Växjö.

Daniel RydströmSkicka e-post
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