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Insecure places are highlighted in Alvesta

Publicerad 9 december 2019
.Foto: Filip Bolmgren

In November, the municipality of Alvesta tested a digital map service where citizens marked out places where they felt unsafe. So far, a hundred places have been marked and Alvesta municipality will extend the project so that it runs throughout December.

During December, the residents of Alvesta could therefore continue to mark places with, for example, poor lighting, blockning bushes, lack of alternative walkways or design in general that instills a sense of insecurity.


– Of the hundred items marked around the municipality, not all of them have the same character. Some things have been able to be fixed directly, others require major investments. And others that we can't do anything with at the moment, says Patrik Karlsson, planning manager at Alvesta municipality, to Smålandsposten.

At the end of January, the results will be presented and analyzed.

– We have not yet done any final analysis on the project. Broken lamps and similar have been reported directly to those in charge, and can often be replaced quickly. But major measures need to be analyzed and identified before we can do anything, says Patrik Karlsson to Smålandsposten.

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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