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Message about the adhan in Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 26 april 2019
.Foto: Lars-Goran Rydqvist

The mosque in Växjö has for about a year been allowed to send prayer calls via loudspeakers. Neighbors of the mosque have appealed the decision to send the proclamation and have said they are disturbed by the sound. The residents have also argued that their right under the European Convention to avoid being exposed to a religious message is violated by the decision.

The Administrative Court rejected the appeals and now the Chamber of Appeal in Gothenburg also chooses not to change the ruling.

"The Administrative Court of Appeal does not change the Police's decision to allow a mosque in Växjö to send out a prayer call over 3 minutes and 45 seconds a week via loudspeaker," writes the chamber court on its website.

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