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New bathing place in Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 7 juni 2019

The municipality's bathing areas are ready for swimming. This summer, it is premiere for a new bathing place at the southern part of the Trummen. It is a newly constructed sandy beach connected to the Geometriparken.

– We have been working since May to prepare all the municipal bathing areas. Now it is almost finished, some renovations and major construction work remain. The new bathing area at Trummen, for example, will have a toilet and parking space next bathing season in 2020, says Peter Bengtsson, head of Arenaservice.

The sandy beach is about 30 meters long and the last three years, the turbidity in the water in the Trummen has decreased by about 70-80 percent.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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