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New candy store in Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 5 november 2019
Foto: Oscar Appelgren

Växjö has got a new candy store. The 4-Gott store has opened on Storgatan in central Växjö.

– We are expanding strongly nationally and Växjö has been on the list for a long time. Växjö has the right size, location and a lot is happening. It's a commercial city and now we found a good premises, says Sean Fakourvand, project manager at 4-Gott.


4-Gott, which has employed five people for the new candy store in Växjö, is investing in sweets, drinks and tobacco.

– We have about 1,000 varieties of sweets and the candy range includes natural sweets. Every city we are in is exciting in its own way. There is an own culture and taste and depending on where you are, different products go different well.

There are already several stores in central Växjö that sell sweets, drinks and tobacco. But Sean Fakourvand believes they will stick out.

– We will be open until midnight every day and hope to be able to offer good products at good prices late at night as well.

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