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New decision on unsocial hours pay in the region

Kronoberg • Publicerad 7 februari 2020
.Foto: Region Kronoberg

On April 1, new rules regarding unsocial hours pay will be introduced in the Kronoberg Region. The new rules will apply for nurses, specialist nurses, midwives, biomedical analysts and medical secretaries. This also means that assistant nurses are not allowed to take part in the new rules.

– The groups we focus on are those where we have a shortage of staff and difficulty in staffing evenings and nights. This is linked to the fact that we want to reduce the need for renting staff, says Sven Sunesson (C).

Unsocial hours pay (so-called 'ob-ersättning') is a bonus for when you work during evenings and nights. The new supplement is valid for three years ahead and will be evaluated in the autumn of 2022.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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