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New entrepreneurs are being sought for Evedal

Växjö • Publicerad 20 november 2019
Foto: Lars-Göran Rydqvist

Växjö Municipality is looking for new entrepreneurs for Evedal. The municipality and Vöfab have concluded a procurement for the activities in the area. This applies to three different parts, Evedal's hostel and the three cottages Berghälla, Svensborg and Lillstugan, Evedal station which has café operations during the summer and Vilhelmshill with premises for parties and other activities.

Entrepreneurs may choose to tender for one or more of the parts. The entrepreneurs and associations that run the business today will not remain. The agreements are terminated or expires. Växjö Municipality's goal is for the new entrepreneurs to be in place on April 1, 2020.

The goal is that the various activities at Evedal all year will be a positive part of the development of the Evedal area and the entire municipality of Växjö, as a tourism and excursion destination, Växjö municipality writes in a press release.

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