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New investment in Lessebo

Lessebo • Publicerad 12 december 2019
Lessebo kommunhus
Lessebo kommunhusFoto: Smålandsposten

A couple of years ago, the project “Trygg i butik” (safe in stores) was started in Växjö. Since then, the police, together with shop owners and staff, have tried to eliminate places where thefts have arisen by reviewing the structure of various stores and how the staff communication with customers work.

The result has been that the number of snuggles and thefts in Växjö stores has dropped significantly and now it’s time to test the same investment in Lessebo.

“It is a crime prevention and security-creating way of working. A successful project with documented positive effects in, for example, Växjö. Concrete tips and methodology, for example, to reduce wastage and at the same time increase security”, it says on Lessebo municipality's website

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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