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New plots for sale in Alvesta

Alvesta • Publicerad 4 februari 2020
Torne badplats
Torne badplats

Alvesta Municipality has completed one street, municipal water and sewage to seven new sites in Silkenäs in Torne. The new street is named Fjordvägen and is close to the Skatelövsfjorden.

In order to buy a municipal residential lot, one must stand in a plot queue. Those already in the queue have been offered to reserve a plot on Fjordvägen, but more sites may be built nearby. After the seven sites have been sold, Alvesta municipality plans to start building more in the area.

- There is a great interest in building in Torne. A large part of the interest is the scenic location and Åsnen's attractiveness has increased with the formation of the national park, says managing director Magnu s Wigren.

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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