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Pop up opens at Grand Samarkand

Växjö • Publicerad 11 februari 2019
Foto: Lena Gunnarsson

BR Toys has gone bankrupt and closed its shop at Grand Samarkand in Växjö. This also means that the premises are vacant for a new tenant. The plan is for a new store to open up the gates in April. Until then, Atteviks will open a showroom with exhibition cars.

– It is much nicer and more fun that there is something in the premises during this period. In the case of bankruptcies, it is often quick termination, but it may take a while before a new tenant is ready and can move in. It is fun for us and for the visitors to also be able to check out some cars, says center manager Mats Jäderberg.

It is a pop up until the end of March.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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