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Preschool in Alvesta to the semi-finals

Alvesta • Publicerad 10 januari 2020

Lekbacken's preschool in Alvesta has moved on to the semi-finals in the competition category “Bästa Matglädjeförskola” (The preschool that best communicates food enjoyment). The category is part of the Arla Guldko 2020 competition.

The purpose of the competition is to develop and work on, among other things, quality, durability, raw materials in season, reduced waste and pedagogy in the public kitchen.


– This year's semi-finalists in Arla Guldko are very impressive with their work to lift meals in schools and preschools to a whole new level. Everyone is incredibly talented. Our competent jury groups thus have a challenging job with the assessment of both the whole and the details of the competitors, says Maja Nordström, project manager for Arla Guldko.

The winners will be announced at the grand final gala on May 4, 2020, in Stockholm.

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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