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Pupil from Växjö downplay SD's fear

Växjö • Publicerad 23 april 2019
.Foto: Jenny Isaksson

The Swedish Democrats in Tingsryd mean that pupils from the municipality who attend high school in other municipalities than in Tingsryd sometimes get no food from school.

Ann-Louise Viking (SD) in Tingsryd says she has been told that this is the case for several pupils.


Where the pupils are studying is not shown specifically in the interview with P4 Kronoberg.

But at Katedralskolan in Växjö there should be no joint for SD's fear - if you listen to Arvid Vik from Tingsryd who is studying there.

– I have never experienced that all the food has been eaten, I have always had food, says Arvid Vik who goes to Katedralskolan to P4 Kronoberg.

Alexander JepsenSkicka e-post
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