Robbery attempt on home care staff in Växjö
Publicerad 23 juli 2019
During Monday, an employee at the home care service in Växjö got subjected to abuse and robbery attempts at Sommarvägen in Växjö. At half past three on Monday, three people tried to steal a moped from the employee, who is a 21-year-old man. When he did not agree to give them his moped, the trio should have beaten him with, among other things, fists.
- At the same when the person who owns the moped tried to get it again, they started fighting, says Henrik Johansson, on-call investigator at Växjöpolisen, to Smålandsposten.
Several employees should have helped to prevent the robbery attempt and the suspects left the place without bringing anything.
Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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