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Samer Amla wants to revive the nightlife in Växjö

Samer Amla to Mosaik:
- Our goal is to serve customers around the clock.
- Växjö City is developing rapidly. There are a lot of newcomers coming from outside Sweden, and other cities in Sweden. It will become a competitive city.
- High tax rate hinders investment in Sweden. But, there is a positive role for the Labor Office in supporting projects.
Växjö • Publicerad 12 juni 2019
Foto: Maha Nasser

ZOOM's shop with American system 24-hour, aims to revitalize the nightlife in Växjö. It sells groceries, as well as a special section that serves fast food, American Waffles and Grillkorv, as well as Swedish Fika. Mousaik meets Syrian investor Samer Amla, 37, who lives in Växjö with his original Swedish wife, and his children. Samer tells us about the idea and purpose of the project in Växjö.

– This project is an extension of what I started in Dubai in 2010. I came to Sweden with my family two years ago to settle down, and at the same time I move project experience to Sweden, after it was successful in Dubai. I travel between Dubai and Sweden every 3 months. The idea of the project came through the experience of life and work in America with my brother. We worked with Jewelry in Tiffany & Co. and at the same time I studied courses in customer service and Hospitality. we loved the system and the idea of work, and I thought about moving it to Dubai first and then to Sweden, says Samer.


Samer always prefer investing in strategic places. "When I started investing in Dubai, I chose the university," he says: " I tried to find a place in the university in Växjö, but I did not succeed. Investment in universities I think is a good and profitable idea, for projects like my project. Because young people like to be up and roaming at university until late night. Therefore, It's good to have open shops and 24-hour service." He added.

What is Zoom's distinguish about others?

– What distinguishes us from others is that ZOOM is the first store to open 24 hours during the weekend. In cases where there is life in the city, we will certainly provide our services around the clock during the week as well. Especially if the building of the new station and the municipality is opened. The shop is also designed to be designed for the US system. With regard to interior decoration or ideas and meals provided such as Waffles, a Belgian-American, Grillkorv.

What is the purpose of this project?

– Our goal is to serve customers and revive the nightlife in Växjö . There are so many young people like nightlife. It is very important that there are some shops offering service around the clock. Of course, we sell all groceries such as sweets, drinks, juices, etc. We also have mobile maintenance service. In addition, we have a special section for coffee. We will also offer some fast food as mentioned above, as well as sandwiches and sausages.

Samer will prepare sandwiches and Waffles by himself. he has a passion for working in this area.

What is your plan for expansion?

- We have a plan to expand. We will also provide delivery service. There will be a minimum limit for requests. We can contract with a delivery partner, or we will work on delivery as well. I currently have 3 employees and the number will increase if the project expands.

Why did you choose Växjö to do your project?

Växjö is a rapidly developing city and there are a lot of newcomers coming from outside Sweden, and other cities in Sweden. In addition to international students. In the near future, will be there many people in the city. Växjö will become a A competitive city.


Side by side, his love for work and investment, Samer loves cartoon and paintings painting. He did many paintings but did not have a chance at an exhibition work to show his artwork. The time factor and preoccupation with his job, was why he would stay away from the hobby he loved. He says that, if he gets the time he will return to his favorite hobby in the drawing.

What is your advice to people who like to start their own projects in Växjö?

- The most important thing at the beginning to complete the procedures that concern taxes, bank and statements and others. Because they take a lot of time and energy. In addition, you should choose the right place, study the market, determine the type of project accurately and focus on stuff consumed and things related to cultural diversity. Most important of all is adventure and get rid of fear of loss and failure.

What are the obstacles that can hinder investment in Växjö or Sweden in general?

- The obstacles that may have an impact on investment are the high tax rate. As an employee I can not register my salary from the first month. I must work for the first time without taking a salary. Where there is a payroll tax and there is another tax on sales. As well as a tax when purchasing the goods and another tax when sold. But there is a positive role for the Labor Office, which is 60-70% support for staff wages. Without that support, small entrepreneurs would not be able to invest.

Maha Nasser
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