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Schools are closing because of corona

Kronoberg • Publicerad 18 mars 2020
Foto: Johanna Eriksson

The government recommends all high school, adult education and universities to introduce distance education because of the coronavirus disease COVID-19. This means that all students from high school and up should not be in school.

It is not considered justified to close primary schools and preschools across the country. The reason that high school pupils and students should study on distance is that they are not in need of care from parents and guardians.


– There are groups that manage themselves and can take responsibility for their studies. I expect pupils and students to live up to the confidence placed on them, said Education Minister Anna Ekström during a press conference on Tuesday.

More measures are expected to be taken and the government is preparing a total closure of schools and preschools. If the schools close, the government will take steps to solve childcare for people with socially important jobs.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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