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Scream of a little girl

A chronicle by Maha Nasser.
Publicerad 3 juli 2019
Detta Ă€r en personligt skriven text i Mosaik Vxonews. Åsikter som uttrycks Ă€r skribentens egna.

"With the safety of God my beloved Mohammed" The cry of a little girl who could not hold her tears when she said goodbye to her brother, who has not completed his second year yet. His childhood was assassinated by Houthi sniper stripped of all the meanings of humanity, to shoot his gun brutally and kidnap the spirit of an innocent child. Who was accompanied by his parents and his four-year-old sister, while they were on their way to visit relatives on the second day of Eid. Mohammed was martyred, and his spirit went up into heaven, to tell God what the wicked of the earth had done to him. "With the safety of god my beloved Mohammed" screamed a girl when she said goodbye to her brother, with a small broken heart, a stolen joy and violated childhood. A sniper Houthi snatched Mohammed and Basma's pure spirit. Another child was martyred with his mother by indiscriminate shelling with another children, whose death shells penetrated their bodies and turned their laughter to screams. I can not count them, but I know that today they live the joy of Eid in heaven. The place that suits their childhood and their innocence, away from the thugs of the earth.

Ramadan ends and Muslims celebrate Eid. The children have joyed in on this occasion in various parts of the planet. Because only children will be able to live the joy of the Eid and feel it. Their small heads are free from the worries, and pain that borne by adults hearts. On the last day of Ramadan, the children sleep with their new Eid clothes next to them. Children can not sleep from the intensity of joy. The count the hours and minutes, and waiting for the emergence of the daybreak carrying with it the Eid celebration. When the dawn looms, children get up happily, and wear their new clothes and go with their parents to perform the Eid prayer. After the prayer, they enjoy the rituals of the Eid, which begins with visiting relatives, and going to parks and playgrounds. Children get some money called "Eidiah" from their parents, neighbors and relatives, and they run happily to the shops to buy sweets, games and balloons. Children boast about how much they have received from Eid among themselves. Eid is a very special occasion for children.


In Yemen alone, most children are waiting for the new Eid clothes for a full year. Their waiting this year has not ended , because of the deteriorating economic situation, where parents can not buy Eid clothes. People become tired of their children's questions about the clothes and equipment of the Eid. They apologize for delayed promises and try to create fake stories for their children who have not understood the meaning of the war yet. In Yemen, The children did not sleep with the intensity of sadness, not with the intensity of joy. Either because they lost one of his parents and there will be no one waiting for them on the morning of the Eid to accompany them to the Eid prayer, and visiting relatives, or because their father became unemployed because of the consequences of war and unable to secure the basic elements of life for his children, and can not easily buy new clothes for his children either. Or because they are miserable children lying in the hospital suffering from malnutrition, and the Eid clothes no longer fit their meager body, which is starved of hunger and disease. In Yemen, the joy of children was stolen from their faces, When the conflicting forces differet to determination the date of Eid, for political purpose , and they were forced to fast one day more. In Yemen, the Eid is different. Children go to the graves not to the gardens, they wear the shroud instead of the Eid clothes. Families gather in mourning rather than joy. In Yemen only, the pure blood stained the Eid clothes, and the children's laughter turned to screams.

In Yemen alone, many children are being killed under the bombing of coalition airstrikes and al-Houthi missiles. whoever survived from bombing, left to deadly diseases feed on their hungry and meager bodies. The war has caused deep psychological damage to children, many of whom now live through painful stories. Because of violence and deprivation. When will the suffering of the children of Yemen end, and the war criminals will stop violate their childhood?
