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Sexual assault at HVB homes

Kronoberg • Publicerad 21 mars 2019
Foto: Lena Gunnarsson

Over the past four years, over one hundred abuses have taken place at homes for care or housing, HVB homes, according to Veckorevyn. At least two of these cases have occurred in Kronoberg County.

A survey shows that 133 people under the age of 25 should have been subjected to rape or other sexual assault on HVB homes over the past four years. The youngest child who has been exposed was only four years old.

– It will be especially serious because these children and young people who are placed on HVB homes are already very, very vulnerable, says Irena Pozar, editor-in-chief of Veckorevyn, according to P4 Kronoberg.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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