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Sharing and accept others

A chronicle written by Maha Nasser.
Växjö • Publicerad 26 februari 2020
Detta är en personligt skriven text i Mosaik Vxonews. Åsikter som uttrycks är skribentens egna.

Holidays and events ended, and people returned to their normal lives and work. But there is something still stuck in memory. It is those beautiful and unforgettable moments. I do not mean the moments of the celebration itself or the exchange of a gift. But there is something deeper than that. It is participation and accept the other with mutual love. Despite differing cultures and beliefs, there is one thing that unites us, it is our humanity.

I celebrated Christmas for the second time in a row with my Swedish family. Yes, it is my family, despite all the differences we have in language, culture, customs, and beliefs. However, I feel a sense of belonging to it as if I was raised among them. During the vacation I received a dinner invitation at a friend's house. We had a good time while I tried to learn how to prepare Swedish food. Earlier this year, I celebrated Eid Al Fitr with some Swedish and non-Swedish friends, and we had dinner on a wonderful evening. They celebrated with me and shared the Eid even though they do not believe in what I believe in, but they shared my joy to be happy and do not feel alienated between them. For me, it was the first real Eid that I live in, because there are people who share with me, Although they differ from me. Sharing with others on their occasion is an important and essential pillar in life. It creates a kind of familiarity, tolerance and convergence of viewpoints. It also gives us an opportunity to know each other closely. Instead of prejudging it in advance. Unfortunately, there are people who are cautious about sharing occasions of the other regardless of whether this occasion is religious or carries another meaning. On the pretext that he or she does not believe in the same beliefs or culture. Your sharing with others and respect for what they believe do not necessarily force you to believe in his or her thoughts. You are not entitled to judge people whether they are right or wrong. Because what one believes is belongs to him or her alone, unless he or she negatively affects society.


Today, there are those who adhere to the identity and culture in a exaggerating way and refuse to cede on it , and this is what causes the clash of cultures and consequently results in rejection. We still see today people who came to Sweden many years ago and the are still rooted to their culture which they came from, and they are completely closed to the culture of the society which they live today. This helps to create a heterogeneous society full of hatred and rejecting the other, because of the great difference between cultures. the situation requires you to adapt and integrate. These cultures must dissolve and unite to produce a homogeneous and accepting society for the other. If you want to preserve your identity and culture in an exaggerated manner and not to share with others on the pretext that you do not believe what they believe. You will contribute to isolating yourself from others and surrounding yourself with suspicion and rejection. That your integration into society and sharing with others their occasions and joys, will not detract from your identity or your faith. You don't necessarily have to support what others believe but you must accept and respect it.

The difference in the culture of people and their environment of origin requires that you make an effort to understand and deal with the other. And understand the nature of the difference in the style of thinking and beliefs. Our need to accept the other is our need to belong. Of course, your acceptance of the other is primarily a form of morality and reveals one's personality and what is inside it. Because your acceptance of others is primarily your acceptance of yourself. Whereas respecting and accepting others force them to respect and accept you as well.
