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Six places in the city will change

Växjö • Publicerad 12 mars 2019
.Foto: Robin Sparf

Since last autumn, Växjö municipality, city collaboration and property owners have worked on a future vision for the city center. Now the vision has been developed and six places in the center will be strengthened and refreshed over a three-year period.

– We have looked at what needs there are for streets and identified six places, says Kristina Thorvaldsson, project manager for urban planning at Växjö municipality, to Smålandsposten.

The six places are Båtsmanstorget, Bländapassagen, Sandgärdsgatan, Norra Järnvägsgatan, Willan's park as well as the crossroads Klostergatan, Bäckgatan and Västergatan. Among other things, there will be changes with lighting, bicycle parking, better accessibility and measures that will create more security.

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