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Strong increase of robbery in Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 5 juni 2019
Foto: Anders Johansson

In the last three years, the notifications of robbery have almost doubled in Växjö. Last year, 50 robberies were reported, compared with 28 in 2015.

According to the police, many of the suspects and their victims are very young. The large group of suspects and victims at the robbery is usually in the age group 8 to 17 years, writes Lokaltidningen.

– It is mostly a small group of guys in the 15-17s in Växjö who rob other guys of the same age. They are looking for mopeds and expensive designer clothes, and they threaten with some type of violence and have a knife to scare their victims, explains Scott Goodwin, municipal police in Växjö, to the local newspaper.

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