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Success for "Älskade Araby"

Växjö • Publicerad 27 februari 2020
Foto: Olle Enqvist

On February 13, the Regionteatern Blekinge Kronoberg premiered the live documentary "Älskade Araby". The performance is part of the Citizens' Stage and the audience can see several stories being played and told by people living in Araby. The show has been praised by both audiences and reviewers.

– It has been a fantastic reception from the audience. I am completely taken aback by the response. It is noticeable that the documentary and the strong stories really touch and raise many important issues and a great curiosity. Just as we want our Citizen scene to do, says director and scriptwriter Andreas Dahl.


Since the premiere, the performances have almost been sold out and for upcoming performances this spring there are only a few tickets left.

– The response from the audience is fantastic and the pressure on tickets is great. We believe and hope that "Älskade Araby" is the start of something big, says Marie Björkman, Sales Manager at the Regional Theater.

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