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That’s how much the giant tent costs

Växjö • Publicerad 22 april 2019
.Foto: Lars-Goran Rydqvist

A large tent has been put where Växjö's new station and municipal house will be built. The building will be under the tent to protect both materials and people in all weather conditions.

The price tag on the tent together with the traverses inside the tent that will be used to lift all building material on site is estimated to be around 15 million Swedish crowns.


- The tent will be about a million crowns more expensive than if we had construction cranes. But we expect to recover this money during the construction period, says Christer Carlsson, CEO of Vöfab, to Smålandsposten.

If the building had construction cranes, they would haeen constructed wive to protect the wooden structures and joists, for example, by plastering them.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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