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That's how the county prepares for the corona virus

Kronoberg • Publicerad 3 februari 2020
Foto: Johan Christensen

WHO has announced that the spread of the corona virus is an international health emergency. A woman in Jönköping has been found infected. Armor is in progress in the neighboring county in the south.

– We are working on developing local routines, to be able to handle a suspected case and get messages and knowledge in organizations, says Christrian Romin Blomkvist, infection protection physician at Region Kronoberg to SVT Småland.


According to Romin Blomqvist, they are preparing for a emergency now.

– Now we are preparing to be able to receive one sick patient, because that is what is most likely right now. But we are following the development of the virus and will change our tactics gradually.

Daniel RydströmSkicka e-post
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