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The chain closes in central Växjö

Publicerad 3 april 2019
Foto: Pontus Steneros

During summer of 2018, the cafe chain Condeco opened a new cafe in McDonald's former premises on Storgatan in Växjö.

Condeco has for many years also had a cafe at Bländapassagen but it is not for any longer. They are closing the cafe in Bländapassagen to only invest in the establishment on Storgatan.


- It has been planned since we decided to open on Storgatan, to only have one Condeco in Växjö. It has gone well on Storgatan, and we are now looking forward to the outdoor season, says Eva Olsson, owner of Condeco.

When the cafe in Bländapassagen closes is not decided yet. Condeco has several employees at the café but their future at the company is uncertain.

- We offer as many people as possible to work on Condeco Storgatan, says Eva Olsson without specifying the number.

How do you look at the future in Växjö?

- We like to be in Växjö. Växjö is a fantastic city with positive energy.

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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