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The chain's new store in Växjö will be delayed

Växjö • Publicerad 11 mars 2019

A year ago, the news came that Lidl, with almost 200 stores in Sweden, will open its third store in Växjö. The store will open in Teleborgs Centrum, but the planned opening date has on several occasions been postponed.

At first, Lidl was due to open at the turn of the year 2018-2019 but last autumn the chain announced that they were still waiting for access to the premises and that the opening date had been moved forward before to the spring of 2019. However, the store is delaying more than this according to a new message.

"As it looks now, opening is scheduled for autumn 2019", writes Petra Whitehead, press and public relations manager at Lidl, in an email.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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