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The classic store in Växjö ceases

Växjö • Publicerad 22 januari 2020
Foto: Urban Nilsson

For about 40 years the store Guldrosen has been in Växjö. Now it is clear that the store will cease. For almost 25 years the shop has been owned and operated by Elisabeth Magnusson. As of January 21, total sale is in the entire store but when the Guldrosen especially closes is not known.

– The business is going well, but I want to retire. It has been great fun to run the Guldrosen so this was a very difficult decision. But I feel that I now want to have time for something else in life than just a job, Elisabeth Magnusson said in an interview with Smålandsposten in October 2018.

The store was put up for sale on Blocket in the fall of 2018, but no new owner has taken over the store.

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