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The construction at Dalbo is delayed

Växjö • Publicerad 22 november 2019
Foto: Arkitektbolaget

There are big plans for a new center on Dalbo. The project, which is divided into three stages, involves demolishing almost the entire existing center and giving way to 400 housing units, commercial premises and a special housing. According to the detailed plan, it can be a high-rise building on 16 floors. The first phase would have started in 2019 but now the construction start has been moved until 2020.

– We are drawing on a building permit document and conducting a dialogue with builders, so I hope we can submit a building permit application after the turn of the year. So maybe it will start constructing in the spring, says Johan Nielsen, CEO of P&E real estate partner, to Smålandsposten.

The first stage is at the parking lot between Dalbo square and Mörner's road. A grocery store will be built in the first floor and 60 homes on top.

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