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The corona crisis may increase the risk of suicide

Växjö • Publicerad 26 mars 2020

To reduce the corona spreading, more and more people are isolating themselves in their homes. Something that may entail risks according to Anna Tenje (M), chair of the local council.

– We know that domestic violence increases when the situation becomes tense, for example when there is a crisis in the economy, says Anna Tenje.


Anna Tenje therefore wants to see increased cooperation with women's magazines and voluntary organizations. She has also had a discussion with the Swedish Church and the bishop in Växjö.

Anna Tenje also thinks that if many lose their livelihood, suicide can increase during the corona crisis and draw parallels to the storm Gudrun. The municipal officials have therefore been commissioned to investigate and benefit from the experiences of Gudrun.

- Many people had their lives destroyed overnight. And there were more victims who were harvested by suicide than who died in accidents in the forest, says Anna Tenje.

Ronja Andersson
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