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The merchant of ICA is being reported by one of the suspects' relatives

Växjö • Publicerad 26 februari 2020
Foto: Carl Carlert

After the fire started at ICA Maxi in Växjö on February 2, the merchant Håkan Seiborg posted a picture from one of the surveillance cameras on Facebook. Three people appeared in the picture and they had masked faces.

Now, a relative to one of the suspects has reported Håkan Seiborg to the Data Inspectorate. The person believes that infringing information has been disseminated on the internet through the Facebook post.

– I find it hard to see that it would be anything. Couldn't identify anyone in those pictures. But we must follow this, says Håkan Seiborg to Smålandsposten.

The post has been deleted from Facebook.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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