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The rents are ready for Växjöbostäder's tenants

Publicerad 3 december 2019

Now the rents are ready for those who live at Växjö housing in Växjö. Växjö housing has negotiated with the Tenants Association and it has now landed in an agreement over two years.

In 2020, rents will be increased by 2.45 percent. The same percentage increase will also be the year after. For a person with a rent of 5,800 Swedish crowns, this means an increase of approximately 140 Swedish crowns a month during 2020.


- This is an incredibly important and gratifying agreement. We have negotiated with each other and come to a solution without external interference. We agree to a 2.45% increase and the cooperation climate has been good. The fact that the agreement is also two years gives us better conditions in our maintenance planning, while at the same time it is a security for our tenants to know what applies for two years to come, says Chairman Rene Jaramillo in a press release.

Maria Säterdal, CEO of Växjö housing continues:

- The negotiation has been effective and conducted in a much shorter time than previous negotiations. The increase allows for continued investment in quality of management, so that our tenants feel satisfied and secure and enjoy their accommodation.

Daniel RydströmSkicka e-post
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